The Curious Incident Of the Dog In The Nighttime (Part 2) - Mar 15, 2015

I finished the book, as I couldn't stop turning the pages (I'm talking 11pm at night on a Thursday...)


It is quite an interesting read. If you haven't, you certainly should. Throughout the book, and I'm not sure whether I said this last post, I thought about some apprentices (adults with Autism) whom I work with, who probably think just as the author does. They say things in a way, or just say things that cause you to consider before answering - and you quickly realize that they think about things differently. Some of the logic used, and reasoning - it was very easy to see how situations would quickly get out of control for someone who used that reasoning.


My only criticism of this book (and maybe it was because by then I was tired...) was that it felt very very rushed at the end. The story was moving along at a nice slow pace, and it felt like a day by day sort of story. Then things got interesting, and suddently we had lapses of months. It just left me feeling disappointed.


Definitely worth the read - definitely will open your eyes to the potential logic of someone with Autism (when they seem irrational...)


What is in a diagnosis? - Mar 30, 2015


The curious incident of the dog in the night-time - Mar 12, 2015