What does service from ABAServicesOttawa look like? - Jul 7, 2014

Jul 7, 2014 

I figured I should provide information and clarification about what service looks like, to better inform you (the consumer).

Initial contact can be made through email, telephone, or through my website. I would like to hear a little about your child, and possibly some of your goals or concerns to ensure I am the best fit for you and your family. If you have an idea about what kind of service you're seeking, that's even better.

From there, ideally I'd like to to set-up an opportunity to meet in person. This can be scheduled at a coffee shop or at your home. This is to get down to the details. This meeting is free of charge and provides you an opportunity to get to some questions asked and answered, and see if I can meet your needs accordingly.

At this point, we should have a set-up for an observation. This is so I can see the behaviour in action. This is important so that I can best see what happens before the behaviour, and what happens after. With this information, I can create something individual for you, your family and your child. 

Following this, I'll need a little time to gather together my data, check the research, and meet with my BCBA supervisor to determine the best course of treatment. When the plan is complete, I'll schedule an opportunity to meet with you, discuss what I saw, and some areas in which to work on, and provide you with the strategies that were determined. This is by no means a "this is the right way" approach. You are free to provide your opinion and suggest any revisions that will help make this plan a success. From there, we will set up a regular time to meet, or for me to meet with your child. Or both. And this will be what service looks like for you.

This process might sound daunting, however seeking help, getting help, and finding a way for your family to function a little more optimally is ultimately my goal.


Seeing Ezra - Part 2 - Aug 6, 2014


Seeing Ezra - Part 1 - Jul 2, 2014